
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nigerian girl Stripped for stealing!

As I watch the video clip of this Nigeria girl being stripped naked for stealing
I had goosebumps all over my body with so many thoughts flying through my mind and this brings me to the question. What is this new found obsession with nude, nakedness or whatever you choose to call it amongst Africans or rather Nigerians in this particular story. Video clips of Nigerian university students making love (recorded with their phones) are all over the net,  recordings done with the consent of the people inside, at least they agreed to be filmed or recorded while having sex , but this is totally different from wrongfully striping people down because they commit a crime... of what benefit is it to strip down a person for stealing? The photo here is that of a Ghanaian girl (Amina) who was striped naked by students for allegedly stealing a phone even after she profusely pleaded with them, they still went ahead to molest her.

Now one would think it is the guys alone that are involved in these unspeakable act but alas females are also part of this. On the clip of the girl that was totally drunk, laying completely naked asleep, you could hear the voices of  about three females laughing and enjoying this. Normally you would expect the ladies to protect their drunk friend and hide her shame, instead it seems they were the ones probably holding the phone recording the drunk girl, taking time to show her private parts while laughing and enjoying it all. Back to the girl who stole from the boutique, once again females were involved in exposing her nakedness to the whole world. My heart bleeds while looking at the girl in question even as I asked myself a thousand times why would such a beautiful girl like this steal? Or to put it properly, why would any girl steal for that matter?

From the way she spoke, the girl looks like the "Aje Butter " type or something, and you wonder out loud,  why would she allow such happen to her? It's times like these you wished you were around during the incident and paid for the bag and the video clip so her shame would not be splashed all over the world, because these heartless people are ready to destroy this girl's life forever.  Apart from herself, what about the shame this would bring to her family?  All I can say at this moment is, as sad as these episodes of stripping down thieves are, people should learn from them especially ladies. Do not be too materialistic because it is not important to have what your mates has.  What you have inside is more valuable that what you have outside. Finally I pray that the women folks would unite, come together and protect their own.


  1. Barbaric and typically Nigerian!

  2. why babes too dey embarass dem self.

  3. You see, I do not subscribe to the kind of punishment those people meted out on that girl in the video clip. it is not only too babaric, uncall for, uncivilized, malicious and wicked but also illegal. I dont think it is corrective rather distructive and it is unGodly. Abere sonun won lo bu sango... ohun to sonu o jepe lo lowo won o.

  4. to me those people should be punished by law

  5. this happened in ghana not Nigeria, get your facts right

  6. Why would a lady think of stealing at the first place?? I swear this is Hateful & boorish!! Hopefully ladies learn from it anyway!

  7. please she is not a Nigerian this happened months ago in Ghana she is a Ghanian and this happened in Mensah hall, the students who did that have been arrested some dismissed while others suspended for two years

  8. guy this "lady" does not sound like any aje butter! why pity a thief?

  9. It seems like every time girls screw up they get punished by stripping them naked. I've read about three deferent cases. One was about a young girls having pre marital sex. Her neighbours stripped her clothes off, tied her hands behind her back and forced her to walk naked down the town's main street. Another one got caught stealing money. A group of men began force stripping her and eventually found the money when they took off her panties. They never gave back her clothes and forced her to walk 6km while men groped her. Another one cheated on her husband. They stripped her naked and tied her to a post in the main square so everyone could look at her. The surprisingthing about it, is that her own husband participated and left out there for other men to rape her. The pushiment is ment to totally shame her and disgrace her and condem her to a life of prostitution.


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